10 Amazing Facts About The Vagina!!! - The Happy Wife™

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So you’ve got a vagina, but that’s about all you know about your nether regions? Don’t feel bad about it. Many women, including us, admit that we don’t know as much as we should! 

This stops today - grab a seat and let’s learn about our kick-ass vaginas. Here we’ll cover TEN awesome and amazing facts about the female vagina. Some may surprise you while others will most definitely excite you! This article is designed to help women everywhere strengthen their intimate connection with their own bodies. It’s also a pretty handy how-to guide for men seeking a better understanding of what makes their women tick (and tingle). Hold onto your panties and let’s take an adventure… down under!

  1. What Does Vagina Mean, Anyway?

A somewhat strange name for your lady parts, you may be wondering where the name “vagina” even came from. The name actually dates back to the 17th century and is the Latin word for “sheath”. The full meaning is “sheath for a sword”, which kind of makes sense when you think about it. Over time, the vagina has taken on many different names and catch-phrases -- some more flattering than others.

  1. The Clitoris is FULL of Excitement

Like that killer new club that everyone’s dying to get into, the clitoris is where the parties at (in your pants)! With over 8,000 nerve-endings, the clit is one of the most sensitive parts of the female body. It also has the highest concentration of nerve endings in the entire human body. 

On average, the female clitoris is about one centimeter in length. When aroused, it becomes stiff and swollen, making it easier to find and target (men and women collectively rejoice). Like a woman’s body, every clitoris is unique. Your clit is tucked inside your labia underneath a protective hood. Even though you can only see the tip of your clitoris, it’s actually a long, sponge-like shaft that extends more than five inches inside your body.

  1. Vagina Measurements

Similar to that little black dress you have in your closet, your vagina actually has specific measurements that make it work. The average vagina is about 4 inches long and expands by nearly 200% when aroused. The vagina is naturally elastic to accommodate childbirth (more on that later). The average labia is about ¾ of an inch long but vulvas come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and lengths. 

If you love a thick dick (who doesn’t?), you can experiment with different sex toys and dildos to help increase your vagina’s elasticity. On the other side of the spectrum, if you want a tighter vagina, kegel exercises help keep things nice and snug. Tighter muscles in the vaginal wall might actually make your man’s penis feel bigger!

  1. Your Pubes Aren’t Just for Decoration

We shave it, wax it, shape it into strips, and other decorative designs, and some of us just shave it off altogether! But female pubic hair has a specific purpose -- actually, three. First off (and most important), it protects your vagina from outside bacteria and germs. Second, it’s a signal to males that you’re prepared to reproduce. Lastly, it traps scents that help attract the opposite sex. While two of these purposes are slightly primitive, they’re still important. Another fun fact -- the lifespan of your pubic hair is just three weeks, which is why it only grows so long. 

  1. Your Vagina is Designed to Stretch

It’s no secret that a man’s penis grows when he’s aroused. But did you know that your vagina also grows in size when you get turned on? It actually becomes wider and more relaxed, happily making room for a healthy-sized penis or your favorite sex toy. Unlike men whose arousal shows on the outside, these changes to your vagina all happen under wraps (internally). As you become aroused, your body prepares for intercourse. The uterus and cervix change position and the inner two-thirds of your vagina actually lengthen, making for more comfortable sex. 

Another way your vagina prepares for fun is by getting wet. When the blood vessels in your vagina become engorged, they release serum to help lubricate the area. Some women get wetter than others, so if you need a little assistance, try a body-safe lubricant to get things started.

  1. Childbirth Changes Your Vagina

It’s no surprise that after you push an eight-pound baby out of your vagina that it’s never quite the same. But change isn’t always a bad thing. Understanding how to prepare your vagina for labor and knowing what to expect afterward helps you reclaim a healthy sex life and positive body image post-baby. 

Prior to giving birth, you may want to do some perineal massages. This involves manually stretching the tissues that shape the vaginal canal. The purpose is to prevent the perineum (the area at the back of your vagina and vulva that connects to your anus), from tearing during labor. Perineal massage helps strengthen these muscles but also stretches them and increases flexibility. Using two fingers on each hand, your index or middle fingers, or two thumbs, insert them about one inch inside the vagina (up to the first knuckle) and rest your palms against the inside of your leg. Now, stretch and massage the back portion of the vaginal canal. Press down towards your anus and side to side. Over time, the stretches will become easier as the muscles relax, and elasticity increases. 

Even with performing a perineal massage, your vagina will be shaped differently after childbirth. The opening may change from a circle to a curve and you may feel “looser”. Women should avoid penetration for about six weeks following both vaginal birth and C-section. This gives your body time to heal and for sensation to return. Kegel exercises and stretching can help tighten the muscles of the vaginal wall following childbirth. It’s important to remember that just because you had a baby doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a healthy, active sex life. 

  1. Masturbation is Good for You

Speaking of a healthy, active sex life… let’s talk about masturbation. Aside from the fact that it feels AMAZING, masturbation actually offers a lot of health benefits for women. First off, it’s the perfect way to connect with your body and figure out how it works and what you like. Explore where and how you like to be touched. Do you prefer light pressure or do you like things a little rough? The more you know about what turns you on, the more connected you’ll be with your partner during sex. Having an orgasm is also a great stress reliever. When you climax, your brain releases feel-good hormones known as endorphins which create feelings of relaxation and happiness. A really good orgasm can even promote a better night’s sleep! 

  1. The G-Spot Does Exist (and Here’s How to Find It)

Often considered a mythical spot on the female body, the G-spot is not a unicorn -- it actually does exist and with a little know-how and practice, you can find it and enjoy a completely different type of orgasm. Located less than 2 inches inside the vaginal opening, new studies show that the reason it feels so darn good is that it’s located near the inner part of your clitoris. When you become aroused, the G-spot (or Grafenberg spot) actually swells and feels raised and bumpy, making it easier to find. There are countless sex toys designed to reach and stimulate your G-spot. You can also grab some lube and go exploring on your own. Relax with one hand over your bladder. Use two fingers on your other hand and insert them inside your vagina, touching the top wall. You’ll find a sensitive area between both hands. Press gently and you may just discover your G-spot. 

  1. Most Women Need More Than Just Penetration to Orgasm

The female orgasm isn’t as complicated as some people think but getting there can be a bit more difficult for some women than others. A recent study conducted by The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy reported that 37% of women need clitoral stimulation to climax. Combining penetration and clit stimulation increases your chances of reaching the big O and has a more intense release. You can achieve this in a variety of ways from stimulating your own clit while your partner penetrates you to using toys designed for this very purpose. The Pleasure Sleeve with Clit Stimulator combines a thicker, more fulfilling feeling during intercourse paired with that oh-so-important clit stimulation. 

  1. What’s the Difference Between Female Ejaculation and Squirting

Almost as elusive as the female G-spot is the concept of female ejaculation and squirting. Are they the same? Are they different? Are they even a thing?!

First off, yes, both female ejaculation and squirting are natural, normal occurrences. But not all women experience them -- and that’s okay. In fact, the percentage of women who ejaculate or squirt ranges anywhere from 10% to 54%. There’s also a lot of controversy over whether or not these two phenomena are the same thing. Both are characterized as a form of liquid released from the vagina following orgasm. Some women expel a creamy, milky substance similar to male ejaculation. Others eject a watery type liquid that some believe is a form of urine, expelled from the paraurethral glands inside the urethra. With so many nerve-endings and erogenous zones downstairs, it can be difficult to tell what’s happening when you orgasm. Don’t overthink it, just focus on your pleasure! 

So, there you have it! Ten amazing facts about the vagina that you may or may not have known. The truth is, the more you know about your own female body, how it works, and what you like, the more empowered you’ll feel both in and out of the bedroom. The Happy Wife prides itself on promoting body positivity and self-image while encouraging women to enjoy a healthy sex life with both themselves and their partner. 

April Sutphen

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